My mother lovee

 Mother is the source of inspiration for the struggle of my life. The simplicity and persistence of a mother is reflected in her personality. Mothers are the best friends for their children. Friends ups and downs. Mothers who can joke and cry with their children. Mother who was never ashamed to work.

Mothers always want their children to be good children, respect their parents. Mother said "Don't be a naughty child, be a good child." I realized that there is nothing that makes a mother happier than seeing her child succeed and be a good person for their environment. A good mother doesn't want her child to be a criminal, a good mother doesn't want her child to become a thief. I'm happy to have a mother who can teach me all of that, despite the limitations that entangle your family. Mother never once taught me to do evil. For him there are still many lawful ways to seek sustenance.
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